Links are identified here for your convenience. Information on a suggested web site is the responsibility of the owner.
Bee health:
- Bee Biosecurity in Canada (CFIA)
- Canadian Bee Industy Safety Quality and Traceability Program (CBISQT )
- Honey Establishment Inspection Manual
- Attractiveness of Agriculture Crops to Pollinating Bees Report-FINAL_Web Version_10__15
- Sugar_syrup_calculation_excel_format
- Toxicity table for pesticide applications
- Ariel Applicators Website
- Manitoba Beef Forage Initiatives
Honey Marketing:
- New Farmers Market Guidelines
- Recommended Honey House Price and Labelling guidelines
- Safe Food For Canadians Act
- Food Labelling Standards
- Drum regs 14
- Canadian-Honey-Industry-Melter-Baker’s-Honey-Standard
- MASC overwintering insurance program
- Wildlife Damage to Bee Hives
- Temporary Foreign Worker Hiring Details
- Pesticide Poisoning Reporting
- Interprovincial movement, and Interprovincial movement application form
Member Organizations:
- Canadian Honey Council
- Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP)
- Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council
- Red River Apiarist Association
MBA enactment policy:
- Administration Bylaws
- The Bee Act (C.C.S.M. cB15)
- The Diseases of Bee Designation Regulation 120/2003
- The Family Farm Act (C.C.S.M. cF15)
- The Manitoba Natural Products Marketing Council Regulation 245/1987
- The MB Farm Products Marketing Act
- The MB Producers Registration Order
- The MB Honey minimum prices