2013 Resolutions Approved 3 May



RESOLUTION #1: (Importation from USA) (New Policy)

WHEREAS many Manitoba producers have sustained major colony losses overwinter, and

WHEREAS suitable healthy, affordable replacement bees are currently unavailable to supply this high demand, and

WHEREAS an increasing demand for package bees in emerging markets in other parts of Canada is putting extra strain on and have exhausted current supply, and call in to doubt the future availability to Manitoba producers,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the MBA pursue immediately the end of the prohibition of importation of package bees from the USA contingent on approval of Resolution 2 & 3 of Special General Meeting of 3 May 2013.

1a.  Initially issue a request seeking an importation certificate May 2013 and beginning communication with CFIA via e-mail.

1b. MBA Executive presented issue and sought support at meeting with Min Kostychyn on 14 May 2013.

1c. Began developing a Draft Report outlining the situation and request. Sent 28 May 2013 for board review.

1d. Report and Request for support in emergency access to Bee Imports from USA sent to Min Kostychyn (Manitoba Government), Min Ritz (Federal Government), and CFIA at end of May 2013.

1e. Information from CFIA indicates internal review being conducted on initial review, yet summer vacation may delay feedback. Status as of 21 June 2013.

1f. Update from CFIA indicated part of the process includes collaboration from external subject-matter experts to review scientific evidence. Report released for this 9 August 2013, and process usually takes about 3 weeks, however not all peer reviewers have provided agreement to undertake the review. Status as of 13 August 2013.

1g. CFIA reported Risk Assessment completed final draft was sent to CFIA Directors. The report is being translated into French and upon verification, planned to be released 8 October. Status as of 1 October 2013.

RESOLUTION #2: (Import Conditions)

WHEREAS the MBA has already agreed to accept a certain level of risk associated with importing package bees from New Zealand, Australia, and Chile, and queen bees from California and Hawaii, and

WHEREAS the inspections conducted by CFIA and MAFRI staff on past imported bee products have proven that health and safety protocols are working,

WHEREAS MBA members are desiring suitable protective protocols for Varroa Destructor, American Foul Brood, Small Hive Beetle, and Africanized Hybrid Bees in packages from Continental USA,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that MBA establish a set of minimum risk protocols in concert with CFIA and MAFRI to enable importation of Package Bees from the Continental USA.

 2a. MBA Executive discussed potential for import protocols during meeting with Min Kostychyn 14 May 2013.

2b. MBA Executive met with Provincial Apiculturist to review current protocols for Queen imports 14 May 2013.

2c. MBA Executive worked with MAFRI staff to identify available treatments plus steps to minimize risks using inspection and management protocols 14-28 May 2013.

2d. Report including proposed risk mitigation strategies sent to Provincial and Federal Government plus CFIA at end May 2013.

RESOLUTION #3: (Retain Comb restriction)

WHEREAS there continues to be a risk for importing diseases imbedded in wax,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that MBA uphold its current position of prohibiting importation of bees on comb.

3a. Desire to retain prohibition of bees on comb identified in Report sent to CFIA at end May 2013.