Research Priorities for the MBA

2024/2025 MBA Research Priorities

  1. Acaracide efficacy research both new and previously researched materials to include efficiency
    of potential combinations of acaracides
  2. Wintering Methods (indoor, outdoor, ventilation, wrapping material)
  3. Wax Moth Control Options
  4. Brood Diseases (AFB, EFB, Chalkbrood)
  5. Nosema ceranae research on materials and methods to reduce spore loading
  6. Sustainability. (Hygienic bee breeding, queen longevity and fertility)
  7. Nutrient benefits
  8. Bee Health
  9. Climate Resilience – management adaptations related to changing climate conditions

December 2024

2023/2024 MBA Research Priorities

  1. Acaracide efficacy research both new and previously researched materials
  2. Acaracide resistant mite testing procedures
  3. Wintering Methods (indoor, outdoor, ventilation, wrapping material)
  4. Wax Moth Control Options
  5. Brood Diseases (AFB, EFB, Chalkbrood)
  6. Nosema ceranae research on materials and methods to reduce spore loading
  7. Sustainability. (Hygienic bee breeding, queen longevity and fertility)
  8. Bee Health

December 2023

As Prioritised by MBA 2018 (top priority to lesser priority)

  1. AFB research on non-antibiotic control measures ( as we may have trouble with access to tetracycline
  2. Acaracide efficacy research; both new and previously researched material
  3. Acaracide resistant mite testing procedures
  4. Bee Nutrition
  5. Wintering nucleus research – establishing fall nucs
  6. Queen breeding research for longevity and fertility
  7. Skunk control research
  8. Nosema ceranae research on materials and methods to reduce spore loading

other research priorities: Hygienic behaviour, Swarm control