Risk management framework on the importation of honey bee packages from the United States (SUMMARY)
Download PDF of the summary can be found below.
“Currently, the importation of honey bee packages from the U.S. is not permitted. The import status remains unchanged until all activities associated with the risk analysis are completed and the outcome of the risk analysis is communicated.”
Please note the following:
- The link above (PDF below) is the Risk Management Framework SUMMARY document. The complete Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification documents can be requested from CFIA by emailing:
- Submissions of proposals for risk mitigation to allow the import of U.S. packages can be submitted by January 9th, 2025.
- CFIA is “looking to gather feedback from industry, governments, the public, and other organizations or individuals with an interest in matters related to honey bee health. This will help determine if identified risks can be mitigated to an acceptable level to allow importation of U.S. honey bee packages into Canada.”
See below the next steps in the process of evaluation and feedback mechanisms regarding: The importation of honey bee packages from the United States (U.S.) to Canada.
“As part of our consultation on risk analysis for the importation of honey bee packages from the United States (U.S.) to Canada, the CFIA is inviting all parties with interest in honey bee health to submit science-based risk proposals as described in the attached Risk Management framework, which provides expectations for submission of risk management proposals.
Once the consultation period is over, CFIA will review all risk management proposals that are received and determine if identified risks can be mitigated to an acceptable level. This will allow CFIA to make a risk management decision regarding importation of U.S. honey bee packages into Canada.”
Find more details on the risk mitigation proposal process on pages 9 and 10 of the summary PDF doc below. CFIA notes that: “Canadian beekeepers should provide their proposals via the Canadian Honey Council (CHC) or their provincial association.”
Link to the CFIA Web Communication page: Share your thoughts: Risk mitigation options for the importation of honey bee packages from the United States