
Donate to the Barry Fingler Memorial Fund Today!

The Barry Fingler Memorial fund was established to remember the Provincial Assistant Apiarist who passed away from brain Cancer in the early 90’s  (Fingler Obit 1995 smr MBA newsl). Barry was a friend and colleague of many in the industry. As an association we formed the BFF (Barry Fingler Research Fund) to pursue research initiatives in a long term scale; a fund that could be accessed when needed for board approved initiatives. To date(Feb 2018) the fund sits at just over $130,000. As an endowment fund we need to break a somewhat larger margin to start more initiatives. By Donating […]


Archive: WhitePaper_CaliforniaPackagedHoneybeeImportation_v7.1 Risk Assessment Report Letter Honey Bees packages from US EN MBA letter of neonic recommendation CHC_response_to_PMRA_consultation_Nov12_2013 honey show entry form web Honey-Show-Regulations-web_2013 NBDC submission form honey show regulations web Liability Insurance Certificate Sample_submission_form_2010 Tax exempt equip-Sales to Beekeepers 2009  Sampling procedures Spring 2013 and fees   MB beekeeper journals   MBA Spring 2015 MBA Winter 2015 MBA Fall 2014 MBA Spring 2014 MBA Summer 2014 MBA Fall 2013 MBA Winter 2014 newsletter MBA 2013 Spring issue MBA Winter 2013 newsletter  MBA Summer 2012 final  MBA Spring 2012 issue  Winter 2012 newsletter Fall 2012 newsletter  Fall 2011 newsletter  Summer […]

MASC overwintering insurance program

With new changes to the MASC overwintering program the MBA would like to make its members aware that the program has a longer measured benefit for reporting good years as the threshold for a payout goes up on average to match your measurable level of loss year to year. For more information follow the link below or contact the agent at your local MASC office. https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/program_overwinter_bee_mortality.html

Suite of Useful Aps for Beekeepers

The Manitoba Beekeepers Association would like to point out some helpful Aps available to beekeepers big and small: Fistly the CHC ap: excellent for staying conected to activities around the CHC: the App also is an easy access to the Bee Bio-security Handbooks and excellent management record templates to follow     The BeeConnected ap was developed in collaboration with crop life to create an easy access point for those beekeepers who are not connected to the applicator. Applicators who are laying chemical can send out a notification to alarm any near by beekeepers.     The Bee Health ap was […]

MASC Overwintering Bee Mortality Insurance

With new changes to the MASC overwintering program the MBA would like to make its members aware that the program has a longer measured benefit for reporting good years as the threshold for a payout goes up on average to match your measurable level of loss year to year. For more information follow the link below or contact the agent at your local MASC office. https://www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/program_overwinter_bee_mortality.html


If you have a honey bee swarm that you would like to have a beekeeper remove, please make contact with a beekeeper in the following ways. If you live in or near Winnipeg, you can find contacts through the local association at http://www.beekeepingmanitoba.com/ If you live in rural Manitoba, contact your local beekeeper directly.


CALL FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS Bee Maid Honey Limited will consider project proposals in any area of apiculture, hive health or honey production.  Preference will be given to the area of honey quality and good practices of producing pure quality Canadian honey in the Canadian beekeeping industry.   Proposals for projects must be submitted to the Bee Maid Honey Research Committee by February 29, 2016.  Projects are expected to be completed within one year of funding, although renewal applications will be considered. Proposal Procedures and Criteria Cover Page   à        Principal Investigator:  Name, address, phone, FAX, e-mail, signature à        Collaborating Individuals/Institutions: Names, […]


  The Canadian Honey Council is pleased to announce that  Jim Campbell, former secretary to the MBA, has been awarded the  Willy Baumgartner Memorial Award. This award is given annually to a person who has made a significant positive contribution of innovative, creative and effective effort for the betterment of the bee industry of Canada. Please join us at the Banquet on February 26 to celebrate Jim’s Award and his contributions to the Beekeeping industry in Manitoba and in Canada.


Attractiveness of Agricultural Crops to Pollinating Bees for the Collection of Nectar and/or Pollen https://manitobabee.org/hive/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Attractiveness-of-Agriculture-Crops-to-Pollinating-Bees-Report-FINAL_Web-Version_10__15.pdf