Research priorities
Please follow this link to access MBA research priorities: Research priorities
These Research priorities were created to give reference to how we can prioritise our spending on th Barry Fingler Fund, but are not limited to the limited release of funds from the Barry Fingler Fund.
The Barry Fingler Fund was established in 2005 in memorial to Barry Fingler. The Purpose of the fund was to collect donations which were to be used for research activities. Currently these accounts are at $130,160.85. Rates of return on investment over the past 5 years were 4.5%
The board has reviewed our investment and after discussion with our investment advisor, we are currently determining an investment strategy policy. This policy will represent how the MBA will invest these funds and determine an annual expenditure for research based on a percentage of income from the investments. To help determin the areas of research this committee has developed the previously mentioned priority list.
Manitoba Beekeepers Association is currently accepting research project proposals in any area of apiculture, hive health or honey production.
Proposal procedure and page
- Principal Investigator: Name, address, phone, FAX, e-mail, signature
- Collaborating Individuals/Institutions: Names, addresses, phones, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, signatures
- Title of Project
- Total of proposed budget for each year
- Names and signatures of relevant administrative persons, if any
- Summary – Provide a brief summary of the objectives and potential benefits of the proposed research
Project Description
- Objectives of the project
- The methods used to meet the objectives
- The economic or other benefits that will result
- Where the results might be published
- How transfer of new technology to the beekeeping industry will be accomplished
- Salaries and benefits
- Equipment (non-expendables)
- Supplies (expendables)
- Travel
- Other (specify)
Describe and justify the expenses. Overhead, institutional overhead, administrative costs, and the purchase of long-term capital assets are not eligible for funding.
- A detailed work plan
- Specific milestones to meet the objectives of the project
- Resources and personnel available for the project
- Responsibilities of each collaborator
- Location of work, etc.
Matching Funding
Projects with additional or matching funding will be preferred.
- The funding that you or your institution will contribute to the project
- List other funding for which you have applied or will receive towards this project
- Curriculum vitae for the principal and collaborating applicants
- Other information relevant to the proposed research (i.e., reprints of completed relevant research, other grant applications, supporting letters, etc.)
A requirement of the MBA Research Committee is that the successful applicant must provide an abstract of their results to the MBA by November 30th of the year in which the grant was awarded. A final report must be submitted by March 15th.
By February 29, 2018, please send application to:
MBA: Daryl Wright
326 Belvidere Street Winnipeg MB R3J 2H3
(204) 229-9343