
Labelling information for non-federally registered honey:

labelling information for non-federally registered honey: Common name The common name for honey is prescribed in Sections B.18.025-B.18.027 of the Food and Drug Regulations (http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/C.R.C.%2C_c._870/page-161.html#docCont). Products described as honey must meet these standards of identity.  If a honey is combined with another ingredient, such as a flavour, royal jelly, or other, the common name must describe how the product deviates from the standard (i.e. strawberry flavoured honey, honey with royal jelly, etc.). For all other products, such as Royal Jelly, the common name must be descriptive of the product.   The common name must be shown on the principal display panel of the […]


Archive: WhitePaper_CaliforniaPackagedHoneybeeImportation_v7.1 Risk Assessment Report Letter Honey Bees packages from US EN MBA letter of neonic recommendation CHC_response_to_PMRA_consultation_Nov12_2013 honey show entry form web Honey-Show-Regulations-web_2013 NBDC submission form honey show regulations web Liability Insurance Certificate Sample_submission_form_2010 Tax exempt equip-Sales to Beekeepers 2009  Sampling procedures Spring 2013 and fees   MB beekeeper journals   MBA Spring 2015 MBA Winter 2015 MBA Fall 2014 MBA Spring 2014 MBA Summer 2014 MBA Fall 2013 MBA Winter 2014 newsletter MBA 2013 Spring issue MBA Winter 2013 newsletter  MBA Summer 2012 final  MBA Spring 2012 issue  Winter 2012 newsletter Fall 2012 newsletter  Fall 2011 newsletter  Summer […]

Scholarship For Commercial Beekeeping student

Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association (MBA) will donate one $500 scholarship to a high school student in Manitoba in 2015. Applicants are required to be from a family who is a registered member of MBA, and completed Grade 12, who intend on furthering their education in the beekeeping business after high school. Attending the one year Commercial Beekeeping Certificate course at Grand Prairie Regional College (GPRC), Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta, is the only course to which this scholarship applies. Scholarship to GPRC Story click here. (to be added later) Application Form – MBA Scholarship click here. (to be added later) For info/application […]

Scholarship For Commercial Beekeeping student

Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association (MBA) will donate one $500 scholarship to a high school student in Manitoba in 2015. Applicants are required to be from a family who is a registered member of MBA, and completed Grade 12, who intend on furthering their education in the beekeeping business after high school. Attending the one year Commercial Beekeeping Certificate course at Grand Prairie Regional College (GPRC), Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta, is the only course to which this scholarship applies. Scholarship to GPRC Story click here. (to be added later) Application Form – MBA Scholarship click here. (to be added later) For info/application […]

Advance Payment Program

Advance Payment For Crops for Beekeepers Since January 2009, Manitoba Corn Growers Association, in Carman, is administering the Advance Payment for Crops Program, for paid up Manitoba Honey Producers. Please call their offices at 1-877-598-5685, or 204-745-6661, and most any one who answers the phone can help you. Request a Cash Advance Program application form. As a Manitoba Honey Producer you are eligible for an interest free cash advance up to $100, 000, and interest bearing (usually at Prime Rate) after that to a total maximum of $400,000. Advance is calculated at about 90 cents per pound (may vary slightly […]

Advance Payment Program

Advance Payment For Crops for Beekeepers Since January 2009, Manitoba Corn Growers Association, in Carman, is administering the Advance Payment for Crops Program, for paid up Manitoba Honey Producers. Please call their offices at 1-877-598-5685, or 204-745-6661, and most any one who answers the phone can help you. Request a Cash Advance Program application form. As a Manitoba Honey Producer you are eligible for an interest free cash advance up to $100, 000, and interest bearing (usually at Prime Rate) after that to a total maximum of $400,000. Advance is calculated at about 90 cents per pound (may vary slightly […]

Varroa Mite Monitoring

A project of the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association with funding provided by Growing Forward’s “Food Safety Program, For Farms”. Made possible with contributions from Merv Malyon, David Ostermann, Rhéal Lafrenière, Dr. Rob Currie, Midcan Production Services, and others.  

Varroa Mite Monitoring

A project of the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association with funding provided by Growing Forward’s “Food Safety Program, For Farms”. Made possible with contributions from Merv Malyon, David Ostermann, Rhéal Lafrenière, Dr. Rob Currie, Midcan Production Services, and others.  

Bylaws, Registration, Applications and Membership

This page is primarily for the information and action for all Honey Producers operating at any time within the province of Manitoba, Canada, who, within any given calendar year, have 50 or more honey bee colonies for production of honey, queens, hive splits and/or nuclear colonies. Producers submitting fees to MBA become Registered Non-Voting Members. To become a Full Voting Member, you must complete the Designated Representative documents available as downloads (see next paragraph). See below for links to downloads for MBA Membership materials -MBA Administrative Bylaws, plus Registration, and Application for Membership forms: Honey Producers are eligible to purchase […]