Wanted: Extraction Line
Wanted: Looking to purchase preferably a 60 frame extraction line but will look at other sizes as well. Please contact Erwin at erwiniriklassen@nullgmail.com
Wanted: Looking to purchase preferably a 60 frame extraction line but will look at other sizes as well. Please contact Erwin at erwiniriklassen@nullgmail.com
Overwintered splits with local 2024 queen for sale. $300 for four frames of bees in a cardboard nuc box; $400 for min 6 frames bees in Langstroth box. Contact Michael at: mdjpeirson@nullproton.me
4 frame nucs with new queen . Call Jake (204) 513-0529, or Email: jake@destinyroad,ca
Rivercrest Honey Farm – Will Clark. 5 frame nucs in Jester EZ nuc boxes: 3 brood & a MB queen. Breeding selected for gentleness and overwinter hardiness. Call or text for current pricing: (204) 724-2373