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Home » MBA Research Priorities
MBA research priorities as determined by the Research Steering Committee
2025 List
- Acaracide efficacy research both new and previously researched materials to include efficiency
of potential combinations of acaracides
- Wintering Methods (indoor, outdoor, ventilation, wrapping material)
- Wax Moth Control Options
- Brood Diseases (AFB, EFB, Chalkbrood)
- Nosema ceranae research on materials and methods to reduce spore loading
- Sustainability. (Hygienic bee breeding, queen longevity and fertility)
- Nutrient benefits
- Bee Health
- Climate Resilience – management adaptations related to changing climate conditions
2024 List
- Acaracide efficacy research both new and previously researched materials
- Acaracide resistant mite testing procedures
- Wintering Methods (indoor, outdoor, ventilation, wrapping material)
- Wax Moth Control Options
- Brood Diseases (AFB, EFB, Chalkbrood)
- Nosema ceranae research on materials and methods to reduce spore loading
- Sustainability. (Hygienic bee breeding, queen longevity and fertility)
- Bee Health