2020 February MBA AGM

1. Whereas the Head of the Department of Entomology, Dr. Rob Currie and his post-grad research students carry out many research projects that relate directly to the beekeeping community and health of our honey bees;

BE IT RESOLVED that the MBA along with the RRAA, BA beekeepers, and SCBA send a letter to the Dean of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba, expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation for the dedicated work both in the field and in the lab, carried out by Dr. Currie and his students, and our hope that this important research in our field may continue.

Moved:     Wendell                          Seconded:       W. Clark            Vote Result Carried

2. Whereas all beekeepers within the Province of Manitoba have benefitted from the knowledge and support of the Provincial Apiarist, Rheal LaFreniere;

BE IT RESOLVED that a letter be sent from the board of the MBA, on behalf of all beekeepers, to the Minister of Agriculture, expressing our sincere appreciation for such support.

Moved:      M Clark                             Seconded:   Bygarski               Vote Result: Carried

3. Whereas Philippine companies are expensing Canadian farmers thousands of dollars in fees that do not result in any tangible benefits to Filipino employees or their Canadian employers;

BE IT RESOLVED that the MBA lobby CAHRC, CFA and the Federal government to reduce or eliminate processing fees that the Philippine companies charge Canadian beekeepers for Philippine “exit clearances”.

Moved: Gregory                                    Seconded: B Podolsky            Vote Result: Carried

4. Whereas harsh climate events, carbon taxes and difficult export market challenges are making life difficult for Manitoba beekeepers and all farmers;

BE IT RESOLVED that the MBA lobby the Manitoba Government to increase FTE positions in the Dept. of Agriculture to help commodity groups and individuals to overcome these challenges.

Moved:  Gregory                                    Seconded: Eckhard                 Vote Result: Carried

5a.       Whereas certain honey producers have failed to submit their levies, and the margin of lost revenue is being realised in a significant way. 

Whereas honey producers have been given notice of overdue accounts in 2019 and remain “off-side” of “paid up” status

BE IT RESOLVED that honey producers without “paid up” status of dues 2019 and 2020 be submitted to the Farm Products Marketing board to pursue collections as mandated by the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Moved:  W Clark                             Seconded:    Steppler                    Vote Result: Carried

5b.       Whereas certain honey producers have failed to submit their levies, and the margin of lost revenue is being realised in a significant way; 

 Whereas certain improvements in service have been realised with the planed development of a “Knowledge and Research Transfer Program” (KRTP);

BE IT RESOLVED that honey producers without “paid up” status of dues 2019 and 2020 be encouraged to pay dues and directed to the substantial benefits in being a member of the Manitoba Beekeepers Association

Moved:  M Clark                              Seconded:     Gregory                 Vote Result: Carried

6. Whereas the potential for blueberry pollination is expanding and growing throughout the east and west coast crop indexes;

BE IT RESOLVED that the MBA conduct and publish a feasibility study to investigate the costs and potential out lies in pollination contracts for either potential service.

Moved:   M Friesen                         Seconded:     Steppler                  Vote Result: Defeated

7. Whereas  there have been reports of fraudulent honey coming into Canada

Whereas the fraudulent honey is jeopardizing the honey market

Be It Resolved, the Manitoba Beekeepers Association directs CHC to lobby CFIA to enhance the inspection program of imported honey to match domestic inspection standards.

Moved    O Podolsky                       Seconded:   Gregory                   Vote Result: Carried

8. Whereas there have been reports of fraudulent honey coming into Canada

Whereas not all provincial beekeeping associations are petitioning the CHC regarding that this issue is the most serious  problem facing the beekeeping industry and the financial viability on the beekeeping industry

Be It Resolved that the MBA approach all provincial beekeeping associations to lobby the CHC on the seriousness of this situation

Moved      M Clark                         Seconded: O Podolsky                  Vote Result: Carried

9. Whereas Corona virus outbreak may affect the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Whereas this will impact Beekeepers on their source of labour for the coming year

Be It Resolved that the MBA petition CHC, Manitoba Labour and Canadian Agriculture Human Resource Council for a strategic plan for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program for workers from susceptible countries

Moved      M Clark                         Seconded: B Podolsky                  Vote Result: Carried