
“The Importance of Quality Feed for Bees”

Presentation by:Dr. Rob Currie Dr. Rob CurrieProfessor, HeadDepartment of EntomologyFaculty of Agricultural and Food SciencesUniversity of Manitoba Dr. Currie (Rob) is a Professor and Head in the Department of Entomology at the University of Manitoba. Rob’s main research interest relates to the biology and management of bees (honey bees, leafcutting bees and native pollinators) and the crops that they pollinate. A major focus of his research is how parasites and diseases interact with other stressors such as nutrition to negatively impact the survival of bees during the winter.This free webinar is being organized for the beekeeping industry of Manitoba to […]

List of Veterinarians Willing to Work with Honey Bees

List of Veterinarians Willing to Work with Honey Bees Veterinarian Clinic Clinic Location Phone # Email Carly Prejet Carmen Vet Clinic 98 4 Ave SE, Carman, MB 204-745-3127 fermeprejet@nullgmail.com Kevin Steinbachs Dauphin-Ste Rose Vet Clinic 1801 Main St., S, Dauphin, MB 15 Tucker St. Ste. Rose du Lac, MB 204-648-4448 dphkejs@nullmymts.net Ken Johnson Central Vet Services Oak Bluff, MB 9082 Perimeter Hwy btw Oak Bluff and Hwy 330 204-275-2038 204-770-2865 centralvetservices@nullg-mail.com kenelainejohnson@nullmymts.net   Fawcett Taylor Brydes & Taylor Vet Hospital   123 Main St., Neepawa, MB 204-476-5667 204-841-0400 dftaylor@nullmymts.net Tanya Anderson   Gladstone Vet Clinic 208 Morris Ave S, Gladstone, […]

Lab services

Manitoba Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Services (VDS) is now offering honey bee testing for several honey bee diseases and pests (i.e. American Foulbrood (AFB), European Foulbrood (EFB), Nosema (N. apis or N. ceranae), Varroa mite, and several Viruses (DWV, IAPV, Sacbrood, KVB and BQCV)). In cooperation with the National Bee Diagnostic Centre (NBDC) in Beaverlodge, Alberta, VDS has agreed to follow similar analytical techniques and protocols and work together with the NDBC to provide comparable results. For the time-being, any diagnostic services not currently available in Manitoba that are available in Alberta will be shipped automatically to the Alberta lab at […]