
Labelling information for non-federally registered honey:

labelling information for non-federally registered honey: Common name The common name for honey is prescribed in Sections B.18.025-B.18.027 of the Food and Drug Regulations (http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/C.R.C.%2C_c._870/page-161.html#docCont). Products described as honey must meet these standards of identity.  If a honey is combined with another ingredient, such as a flavour, royal jelly, or other, the common name must describe how the product deviates from the standard (i.e. strawberry flavoured honey, honey with royal jelly, etc.). For all other products, such as Royal Jelly, the common name must be descriptive of the product.   The common name must be shown on the principal display panel of the […]

Mite-A-Thon September 8th – 15th, fill out the mitecheck.com survey online to upload your data

The second annual Mite-A-Thon will take place Saturday, September 8 to Saturday, September 15, 2018 and we invite you to participate!   Dear Honey Bee Friends: The parasitic mite, Varroa destructor (a.k.a. Varroa), and the viruses it vectors is a significant driver of honey bee colony mortality and therefore needs to be managed effectively in order to maintain the health of honey bees and the ecosystems they live in.The Mite-A-Thon is a Tri-national (i.e. Canada, United States, and Mexico) effort to raise awareness about honey bee colony Varroa infestation levels in North America. Mite-A-Thon participants are being asked to monitor the level of Varroa (number […]

Spring Bees!

Spring is upon us and every year I get calls from concerned citizens about the bees foraging and creating a nuisance in the neighbourhood. As beekeepers we are not liable to change our practices but I would note there are some guidelines that the MBA in collaboration with the City of Winnipeg have developed in order to facilitate a good relationships between bees and people! Every situation is different so I would not want to describe a one solution fits all situation but to be mindful of the environment we live in and an ever increasing human population that is […]

Honey Bee Health coalition

Honey Bee Health Coalition Unveils First Ever Set of Tools, Resources to Help Soybean Growers Support Pollinators, Reduce Pesticide Exposure  Best Management Practices Include Information on Pre-planting Planning, Harvest, Use of Cover Crops The Honey Bee Health Coalition unveiled today a series of tools and resources on best management practices for soybean growers — the first of its kind for soybeans — to support honey bee health and to help protect pollinators in and around soybean fields. An expert team of extension agents, agronomists, entomologists, beekeepers, soybean growers, and crop consultants developed the best management practices. They include strategies to identify potential impacts […]

Donate to the Barry Fingler Memorial Fund Today!

The Barry Fingler Memorial fund was established to remember the Provincial Assistant Apiarist who passed away from brain Cancer in the early 90’s  (Fingler Obit 1995 smr MBA newsl). Barry was a friend and colleague of many in the industry. As an association we formed the BFF (Barry Fingler Research Fund) to pursue research initiatives in a long term scale; a fund that could be accessed when needed for board approved initiatives. To date(Feb 2018) the fund sits at just over $130,000. As an endowment fund we need to break a somewhat larger margin to start more initiatives. By Donating […]