
Varroa Mite Monitoring

A project of the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association with funding provided by Growing Forward’s “Food Safety Program, For Farms”. Made possible with contributions from Merv Malyon, David Ostermann, Rhéal Lafrenière, Dr. Rob Currie, Midcan Production Services, and others.  

Varroa Mite Monitoring

A project of the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association with funding provided by Growing Forward’s “Food Safety Program, For Farms”. Made possible with contributions from Merv Malyon, David Ostermann, Rhéal Lafrenière, Dr. Rob Currie, Midcan Production Services, and others.  

Seeking Input on Bee Biosecurity in Canada

OTTAWA, November 4, 2010: The Government of Canada and the Canadian Honey Council (CHC) are seeking input from the bee industry on a new voluntary national biosecurity standard that will help bee keepers minimize the risk of pests and diseases in their colonies. “Bees are a major contributor to the health and vitality of agriculture,” said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “This Government is pleased to support the creation of standards that will contribute to the stability of such an important industry in the agricultural community.” Bumble bee, leafcutter and honey bee keepers will be contacted at random and asked what […]

2010 Resolutions Approved 17 Nov

Resolutions Approved at the MBA AGM 17 November 2010 See each resolution for its’ current status (Its’ associated board action) 1. SMALL HIVE BEETLE IN CANADA WHEREAS Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) was discovered on September 8, 2010 in Ontario, in an area close to the Michigan, USA border, and WHEREAS Ontario quarantined and monitored some areas for infestation, and WHEREAS although it appears this pest failed to establish an endemic population where invaded previously in MB and AB, and WHEREAS on going investigation into the possible establishment of SHB in QC, is pointing toward the beetle not being able […]

Queen Bees from Hawaii (2) BMP

The following article is provided courtesy of David Barnes, Kona Queen Hawaii, and is provided for your information about the 2010 situation involving their business. KONA QUEEN HAWAII, INC.   Best Management Practices for Small Hive Beetle   In April 2010 South African Small Hive Beetles, Aethina tumida Murry, (SHB) were found in Hilo, Hawaii; the East coast of Hawaii.   Kona Queen Hawaii’s response was to begin a progressive approach to the management and control of the SHB before they become fully established on the island of Hawaii. Our first approach was to employ, on a full time basis, […]

Queen Bees from Hawaii (letter)

The Following is the text of an open letter written by Gus Rouse, Kona Queen, Hawaii to Beekeepers across Canada, and is presented here for your information regarding the current situation in and around their operation. …..LETTER TEXT ONLY…..  October 15, 2010  Dear Customers and Friends in Canada:  As you are probably aware, the Small Hive Beetle (SHB) reached the East coast of our Island this past April.  Kona Queen is located on the West coast.  Our State agriculture authorities conducted a thorough inspection here at Kona Queen at the end of June and did not find evidence of SHB in […]

Bylaws, Registration, Applications and Membership

This page is primarily for the information and action for all Honey Producers operating at any time within the province of Manitoba, Canada, who, within any given calendar year, have 50 or more honey bee colonies for production of honey, queens, hive splits and/or nuclear colonies. Producers submitting fees to MBA become Registered Non-Voting Members. To become a Full Voting Member, you must complete the Designated Representative documents available as downloads (see next paragraph). See below for links to downloads for MBA Membership materials -MBA Administrative Bylaws, plus Registration, and Application for Membership forms: Honey Producers are eligible to purchase […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]