
Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

Newsletter Article Submission

If you would like to write for the Manitoba Beekeeper newsletter, we would welcome your article. The guidelines for article submission when in the form of an electronic file are as follows: Microsoft Word files are acceptable Plain Ascii Text files are acceptable Articles in the body of an email are acceptable. Please avoid formatting your document, as it will not carry through to the final publication. This means no tables, tabs, indents, etc. We require a format will simple block paragraphs with single returns between them. Images to be included in article should be provided separately. High quality .tif […]

2010 Winter

2010 Winter (Jan) Issue: click here Inside this issue Virus Interaction Symposium PMRA Roles Explained Insurance Options and more The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader program. Back Issues available on line in pdf format (approx. 3 Meg each)

Contact Information

Contact information for the MBA Executive and Directors is available under the ‘directors’ link on the left. President/Chairperson Allan Campbell allan.campbell@nulldurstonhoneyfarms.com Ph. (204) 638-6515 Cell (204) 590-9441     Manitoba Beekeeper Newsletter Editor Dan Lecocq dnlecocq@nullshaw.ca Newsletter Subscriptions Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association c/o Dan Lecocq E-Mail:  dnlecocq@nullshaw.ca

Honey Producers Registration Order -Regulation 85/2010

THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT (C.C.S.M. c. F47) Honey Producers Registration Order*   Regulation 85/2010 Registered June 29, 2010   Registration required 1 No person who produces honey in Manitoba shall market honey unless that person is currently registered with this board as a registered producer. Form of registration 2 Every application for registration or renewal of registration as a producer shall be in writing, in the form prescribed by this board for such purpose, containing such information as may be indicated hereon, signed by the applicant, and shall be forwarded to the head office of this board on or […]

Honey Producers Administration Fee Regulation – Reg 56/2009

_____________________________________________________________________ THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT (C.C.S.M. c. F47) Honey Producers Administration Fee Regulation* _____________________________________________________________________ Regulation 56/2009 Registered March 6, 2009 Interpretation 1 In this regulation, “colony” means a group of honey bees (Apis mellifera) including worker bees, drones, and a queen, living together as one social unit in a hive or other dwelling, where the social unit may be used for the purpose of producing honey, pollen, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly, queens, nucleus colonies or package colonies, or for providing pollination services.   Fee and Levy imposed on producers 2 Every registered producer shall pay an annual Fee of […]