2025 MBA 119th Annual Convention, AGM, & Tradeshow
Click here to see the AGENDA; Register by early bird deadline
Risk management framework on the importation of honey bee packages from the United States
LINK TO: Risk management framework on the importation of honey bee packages from the United States (SUMMARY) Download PDF of the summary can be found below. “Currently, the importation of honey bee packages from the U.S. is not permitted. The import status remains unchanged until all activities associated with the risk analysis are completed and the outcome of the risk analysis is communicated.” Please note the following: See below the next steps in the process of evaluation and feedback mechanisms regarding: The importation of honey bee packages from the United States (U.S.) to Canada. CFIA: “As part of our consultation on […]
Bumble Bee Nest Relocation Webinar/Workshop (Recording posted on KRTP Youtube)
Including tips on how to appropriately charge fees for honey bee swarm relocations and dealing with wasps. What you’ll learn:
Field Day 2024 – June 22nd, Saturday
MBA field day at Merv Malyon’s (Kemnay Apiaries) Saturday, June 22nd, 10am to 3pm. Free event and no registration required. Lunch available onsite. *FOR THOSE ATTENDING: Please, bring a lawn chair with you. Come out to talk bees and enjoy the day with the following themes: Field Day Location – Kemnay Apiaries (link to map) Directions: 14 km west of Brandon. At the junction of #1 & #1A turn onto the north service road. Go west 1/4 mile, first lane on the right. Questions? Contact: