Beekeepers’ Code of Conduct
Please see the link below: Province of Manitoba | agriculture – AgriRecovery Bee Mortality Assistance ( Commercial Beekeepers will receive an email from the province shortly. Dates to keep in mind are inventory of Novemeber 1, 2021 and inventory May 21,2022. Application Deadline is August 31, 2023.
Registration is now open for the 2023 beekeeping season. The Bee Health Monitoring Program is open to all registered beekeepers in Manitoba and aims to increase the accessibility of diagnostic services offered through Veterinary Diagnostic Services in Winnipeg as well as the National Bee Diagnostic Centre in Beaverlodge, AB. Hygienic behaviour testing is also available again for the 2023 season. Please review the registration form for more details and contact Matthew with any questions about the program.
Supporting a strong and prosperous honey bee industry in Manitoba Read more here:
February 22, 2019 Hilton Hotel Suites Airport Winnipeg MB Chairperson’s Report: Mark Friesen provided an annual update on the activities of the Association. Research Report: Ian Steppler provided a synopsis of his report that was circulated. Canadian Honey Council Report: Allan Campbell provided an annual report on the CHC activities in 2018. Alberta Beekeeping Commission: Jeremy Olthof reported on the Integrated Pest Management Meeting held February in Alberta. Discussions have taken place on having a Prairie Beekeeping Conference in Red Deer Alberta with Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists, Canadian Honey Councils and Tech Transfer Teams in February 2021. Minutes of […]
Allan has been working hard with the CHC to develop the Bee biosecurity handbook and the new abridged version. Find the abridged version for access here as well as many other valuable tools prepared by the CHC:
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