Monthly Archives: March 2022
Sacbrood Identification
“Sacbrood virus causes an uneven brood pattern with discoloured, sunken or perforated cappings scattered throughout the brood. Larvae are thought to be infected by consuming brood food contaminated with Sacbrood virus.” (Source BeeAware).
Hygienic Testing of Ian Steppler’s Breeder Stock with the KRTP Bee Health Monitoring Program
Ian Steppler added hygienic behaviour testing of his breeder colonies to his KRTP monitoring program sampling. Here we describe the process of hygienic behaviour testing with the KRTP. See the Bee Health Monitoring Program registration form or Hygienic Testing Form to sign up! Contact the KRTP any time for more info.
Field Diagnosis of American Foulbrood (AFB) with Manitoba provincial apiarist Rhéal Lafrenière
Originally recorded as a demonstration video for veterinarian training purposes, this video shows some of the classic symptoms of American Foulbrood in a live honey bee colony, as well as how to prepare a frame sample to submit to Veterinary Diagnostic Services for analysis.