Summer 2024 Newsletter

MBA Summer 2024 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

Spring 2024 Newsletter

MBA Spring 2024 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

Winter 2024 Newsletter

MBA Winter 2024 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

2024 Manitoba Beekeepers Convention

REGISTRATION FORMS, AGENDA, SPEAKERS : We have a fantastic line-up of speakers on a diverse range of topics. Dr. Rob Currie will present on “The Bee Lab Program at the U of M: Past to Present” along with some of his career highlights. There will be talks on queen breeding, AFB risk assessment for commercial operations, protein nutrition in honey bees, honey adulteration, new products, syrup quality, and much more. Plus the trade show! Location: 1800 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg, Hilton Airport Suites. Booking code: MBBKA UPDATED Agenda We have a fantastic line-up of speakers on a diverse range of exciting […]

Fall 2023 Newsletter

MBA Fall 2023 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

Summer 2023 Newsletter

MBA Summer 2023 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

Spring 2023 Newsletter

MBA Spring 2023 The MBA Newsletter is published 4 times per year. To view it, you may use the freely available Adobe Reader

Canada – Manitoba Bee Mortality Assistance Program

Please see the link below: Province of Manitoba | agriculture – AgriRecovery Bee Mortality Assistance ( Commercial Beekeepers will receive an email from the province shortly. Dates to keep in mind are inventory of Novemeber 1, 2021 and inventory May 21,2022. Application Deadline is August 31, 2023.

“The Importance of Quality Feed for Bees”

Presentation by:Dr. Rob Currie Dr. Rob CurrieProfessor, HeadDepartment of EntomologyFaculty of Agricultural and Food SciencesUniversity of Manitoba Dr. Currie (Rob) is a Professor and Head in the Department of Entomology at the University of Manitoba. Rob’s main research interest relates to the biology and management of bees (honey bees, leafcutting bees and native pollinators) and the crops that they pollinate. A major focus of his research is how parasites and diseases interact with other stressors such as nutrition to negatively impact the survival of bees during the winter.This free webinar is being organized for the beekeeping industry of Manitoba to […]

Lab services

Manitoba Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Services (VDS) is now offering honey bee testing for several honey bee diseases and pests (i.e. American Foulbrood (AFB), European Foulbrood (EFB), Nosema (N. apis or N. ceranae), Varroa mite, and several Viruses (DWV, IAPV, Sacbrood, KVB and BQCV)). In cooperation with the National Bee Diagnostic Centre (NBDC) in Beaverlodge, Alberta, VDS has agreed to follow similar analytical techniques and protocols and work together with the NDBC to provide comparable results. For the time-being, any diagnostic services not currently available in Manitoba that are available in Alberta will be shipped automatically to the Alberta lab at […]

Honey Fraud and your role in identifying it! Peter awram spoke at our last beekeepers convention and he has shared this valueable tool for identifying honey varietals and would ask for you to submit samples to him. Follow the links on his website to help out.

Donate to the Barry Fingler Memorial Fund Today!

The Barry Fingler Memorial fund was established to remember the Provincial Assistant Apiarist who passed away from brain Cancer in the early 90’s  (Fingler Obit 1995 smr MBA newsl). Barry was a friend and colleague of many in the industry. As an association we formed the BFF (Barry Fingler Research Fund) to pursue research initiatives in a long term scale; a fund that could be accessed when needed for board approved initiatives. To date(Feb 2018) the fund sits at just over $130,000. As an endowment fund we need to break a somewhat larger margin to start more initiatives. By Donating […]