Meetings and Updates

2013 Risk Assessment Report from CFIA

CFIA Risk Assessment on honeybee imports from the USA The Animal Health Risk Assessment unit of Canadian Food Inspection Agency released its final report in late October on Honey Bee Package imports from USA. The report essentially concludes: “Prohibition on Importation of Honey Bee Packages from continental USA will remain in effect, as it has since 1987”. The report provides comprehensive details on the elements analysed for the 2013 update to their last review in 2003. At a Special Meeting of MBA members on May 3, 2013, resolutions guided the Directors to seek approval from Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and Minister G. Ritz, […]

2013 Resolutions Approved 3 May

RESOLUTIONS APPROVED AT SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING 3 MAY 2013   RESOLUTION #1: (Importation from USA) (New Policy) WHEREAS many Manitoba producers have sustained major colony losses overwinter, and WHEREAS suitable healthy, affordable replacement bees are currently unavailable to supply this high demand, and WHEREAS an increasing demand for package bees in emerging markets in other parts of Canada is putting extra strain on and have exhausted current supply, and call in to doubt the future availability to Manitoba producers, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the MBA pursue immediately the end of the prohibition of importation of package bees from the […]

2012 Resolutions Approved 22 Nov

1 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN WHEREAS some producers may not be aware of differences in Canada and USA registration legalities for uses of pesticides, and WHEREAS producers could mistakenly believe a pesticide sold in the USA is available for use in Canada, and WHEREAS producers may be unaware of the significance of personal and/or industry consequences associated with inappropriately importing products into Canada that do not have a registration for the intend use, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that MBA conduct an awareness campaign warning honey producers about consequences of acquiring and using products unapproved in Canada. 1a. Assigned to Newsletter Committee Jan […]

2011 Resolutions Approved 16 Nov

Resolutions Approved at the MBA AGM 16 November 2011   See each resolution for its’ status or associated board action.   1. TEMPORARY WORKERS       WHEREAS Western Canada has a growing and fundamental need for temporary foreign workers to maintain a healthy honey industry, and  WHEREAS the Canadian honey industry will not function to its full potential without temporary foreign workers that can be accessed in a timely and forthright manner and,   WHEREAS recent changes to the Foreign Worker application process are not fully understood by Federal Government staff nor producers, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That MBA encourage CHC to […]

2010 Resolutions Approved 17 Nov

Resolutions Approved at the MBA AGM 17 November 2010 See each resolution for its’ current status (Its’ associated board action) 1. SMALL HIVE BEETLE IN CANADA WHEREAS Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) was discovered on September 8, 2010 in Ontario, in an area close to the Michigan, USA border, and WHEREAS Ontario quarantined and monitored some areas for infestation, and WHEREAS although it appears this pest failed to establish an endemic population where invaded previously in MB and AB, and WHEREAS on going investigation into the possible establishment of SHB in QC, is pointing toward the beetle not being able […]