2025 MBA 119th Annual Convention, AGM, & Tradeshow
Click here to see the AGENDA; Register by early bird deadline
Click here to see the AGENDA; Register by early bird deadline
MBA field day at Merv Malyon’s (Kemnay Apiaries) Saturday, June 22nd, 10am to 3pm. Free event and no registration required. Lunch available onsite. *FOR THOSE ATTENDING: Please, bring a lawn chair with you. Come out to talk bees and enjoy the day with the following themes: Field Day Location – Kemnay Apiaries (link to map) Directions: 14 km west of Brandon. At the junction of #1 & #1A turn onto the north service road. Go west 1/4 mile, first lane on the right. Questions? Contact: krtpmb@nullgmail.com
REGISTRATION FORMS, AGENDA, SPEAKERS : We have a fantastic line-up of speakers on a diverse range of topics. Dr. Rob Currie will present on “The Bee Lab Program at the U of M: Past to Present” along with some of his career highlights. There will be talks on queen breeding, AFB risk assessment for commercial operations, protein nutrition in honey bees, honey adulteration, new products, syrup quality, and much more. Plus the trade show! Location: 1800 Wellington Ave, Winnipeg, Hilton Airport Suites. Booking code: MBBKA UPDATED Agenda We have a fantastic line-up of speakers on a diverse range of exciting […]
February 22, 2019 Hilton Hotel Suites Airport Winnipeg MB Chairperson’s Report: Mark Friesen provided an annual update on the activities of the Association. Research Report: Ian Steppler provided a synopsis of his report that was circulated. Canadian Honey Council Report: Allan Campbell provided an annual report on the CHC activities in 2018. Alberta Beekeeping Commission: Jeremy Olthof reported on the Integrated Pest Management Meeting held February in Alberta. Discussions have taken place on having a Prairie Beekeeping Conference in Red Deer Alberta with Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists, Canadian Honey Councils and Tech Transfer Teams in February 2021. Minutes of […]
1. Whereas the Head of the Department of Entomology, Dr. Rob Currie and his post-grad research students carry out many research projects that relate directly to the beekeeping community and health of our honey bees; BE IT RESOLVED that the MBA along with the RRAA, BA beekeepers, and SCBA send a letter to the Dean of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba, expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation for the dedicated work both in the field and in the lab, carried out by Dr. Currie and his students, and our hope that this important research in our field may continue. […]
The initial review of the KRTP is completed and we are planning to engage with the province to discuss roll out of the program for the 2020 season. We are excited to see the program getting off its feet and hope the beekeeper community is able to enjoy these new services made available and
http://truehoney.buzz/ Peter awram spoke at our last beekeepers convention and he has shared this valueable tool for identifying honey varietals and would ask for you to submit samples to him. Follow the links on his website to help out.
MBA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 The Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association 110th Annual General Meeting Date: Wednesday 18 November 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Auditorium, Main Floor, Neepawa United Church, 475 Mountain Ave, Neepawa, Man. (Corner Mountain Ave and Ellen St.) Agenda: Review the past year activities, Approve the 2014-2015 Financial Statements, Elect directors, Approve Resolutions, Special Speaker, Dr. Robbin Lindsay will be speaking on “Tick-Borne Diseases: How not to get infected” Elections: Director 3-year terms expire in 2015 for: Allan Campbell, Mark Friesen, Jake Maendel, & Terry Karaz. With reduced board size, at least five directors minimum is required, as one vacancy […]
The folowing Resolutions were presented, discussed, and voted upon by the 15 Designated Representatives present at the MBA Annual General Meeting of 12 November 2014, held in Nepawa, Manitoba. 1) BY-LAW REVISIONS WHEREAS Members of MBA approved a resolution in 2013 to permit their board size to be reduced to eight (8) members and, WHEREAS the Designated Representative role clarified in 2003 as a result of Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council directive and, WHEREAS MBA incorporated these items into an amended Administrative By-law distributed to its members, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That MBA approves amendments to the Administration By-law 1/92. […]
The following Resolutions were presented, discussed, and voted upon at the MBA Annual General Meeting of 13 November 2013, held in Neepawa, Manitoba. 1 BEE MOVEMENT JURISDICTIONS & POLICIES WHEREAS each province has a Bee Act that regulates its own beekeeping industry including interprovincial movement of bees, and WHEREAS the federal government supports regionalization (zoning) in agriculture trade agreements; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that MBA work with MAFRD and CFIA to recognize each province has jurisdiction under the provincial bee acts to develop policies and protocols with the regards to the movement of bees into and out of each province. […]